Saturday, October 15, 2005

Another Gorgeous Day

No photos from today, oh well. After therapeutic riding this morning, Tricia and I went out and saddled up the boys and went for a quick ride up the back hill in the woods. She was fairly impressed, so that made me proud. And I think she might have made a new best friend of Axel. Tricia knew all the right spots to scratch and had Axel standing there with his leg up in the air and neck stretched out enjoying the attention. But she didn't take any grief from him and made him stand to mount and wouldn't let him run up the hill. Guess I gotta start keeping the boys to a walk up the hills now ;) She thinks Axel would be good on the long trail rides she and her friends like to do. So that could be a fun thing to do sometime.

Gonna go out to the barn again tomorrow and groom them both and hopefully go for a ride with Jacque. We might also measure withers so I have some idea of what size saddles would fit them for when I get around to getting an english saddle. And I hope to borrow her Parelli 7 Games tape so I can watch that and start playing some games with the boys.

And luckily I was working on this site this evening so I wasn't paying full attention to The Horse Whisperer on television, or I woulda been bawling like a little baby, sad movie :(

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