Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ice Skating Horses

So since it melted and rained all weekend and now it's super cold again, the driveway at the barn is an ice rink. Axel and I skated up to the barn and went in through the tack room to avoid more ice. He gobbled up his MSM as usual and I groomed him a bit. His right knee is a bit swollen in the front, you can't really see it in the photos I had taken. It's very mildly puffier than his other knee and he was pretty sore today even. I put him in the arena to see if he wanted to roll or anything. He mostly just stood around until J drove by outside with the skid loader. Then he decided he'd rather be on the other side of the arena as fast as possible. He cantered around sound and then broke to a very lame walk. So I still have my fingers crossed that the MSM will kick in soon but I'm guessing this super cold weather isn't going to help anything.

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