Thursday, January 07, 2010


I do not appreciate driving up to the barn to find my already sick horse laying in the pasture flat out with another horse hovering over him nudging him like he's dead. I just about broke my neck running out there to check on him. He wasn't dead. He didn't look like he had been struggling at all. But he couldn't get up. I went to get J to help, thinking we'd have to roll him over or something. It seemed like the crusty snow was preventing him from getting up. While J was finding clothes the vet drove up.

Axel was sick of Vinnie pestering him and was trying to chase him off without getting up. He was stretching out his legs and neck and squirming around. The vet drove up to me and said "that's not your horse is it?" Um yes it is, not exactly the sight you want to see when you drive up to a place. We were discussing what we thought was the issue when Axel must have finally had the last straw with Vinnie and got up. J had just gotten back to the house and Axel wasn't down then. So we think he went down to roll and couldn't get back up. He was laying on his right side and his right knee has been sore the past 2 days. He probably didn't want to tuck that leg under himself to get up. When he finally got sick enough of Vinnie he bit the bullet and managed to get up.

He had been laying down long enough to melt the snow and was pretty wet. The vet checked out his knee. There was nothing obvious but he was very tender and didn't want to bend it. He probably just tweeked it out on the ice but if it doesn't improve in a week or so he wants to get it x-rayed. So Axel got his IV of Lasix and I got a pile of other meds and a bill. 3 huge scoops of anti-biotics per day until the container is gone and 2g of bute per day for 5 days. We'll check in with the vet in 5 days and see how he's doing, the horse not the vet.

I put Axel in the barn and threw a wool blanket and his cooler on to try and dry him up a bit. Supposedly it's going to get windy sometime soon so I didn't want him soaking and standing outside. So while he dried I thought I better give him his first dose of meds to make sure he would eat them. So 3 scoops of antibiotics is a whole boat load of powder. That combined with a scoop or two of bute and there's more powder in the bucket than grain. I got another thing of bute from the vet, this time unflavored because I thought Axel didn't like the apple flavor. In the end I think he doesn't like any flavor. He ate quite a bit at first, after blowing his nose in the bucket and spreading quite a bit of the meds all over himself and me. But he couldn't bring himself to finish all of it. I tried to get him to eat for quite some time but he just wasn't into it.

By the time I put him out he wasn't completely dry but he was a bit better and he seemed fairly perky. I don't want to have J&J trying to give him these meds and him not eating them so I brought everything home to try and formulate some sort of plan.

Making some sample treats to hide Axel's meds in. He's on a metric ton of  powders and doesn't like them.

So my first thought was mix his meds up with some good stuff and make some treats. But I was reading my homemade horse treats book and it said not to mix the meds in until you were ready to serve. I'm not sure that it would make a huge difference but since he's supposed to eat all of that antibiotic I don't want to waste any.

So I mixed up a few different things and put them in a muffin tin. My idea is that I would put his meds inside these little "cups" and then squish them closed. However, with the amount of meds he has to eat, I'd probably need to give him six of these treats every day. Maybe that's not a big deal. I'm worried that he'll get one in his mouth, think it's great, start chewing and then BAM! gross med taste and then he will refuse the others. I had some extra treat mixtures so I brought them to WCR to try them out on those horses and see if they would eat them in the first place. They approved of my treats. They were really sticky though and the horses made all sorts of contortions to try and eat them.

So I think tonight I will go out and try a little at a time. I think my first try will be one scoop of powder, some brown sugar, and some sweet feed. If that works we'll try it again. If that doesn't work well then I'll put some in one of my treats. I could also try mixing the powder with Karo syrup and putting that on some feed. I think I have enough ammo to at least get him to eat today's meds. I also have some apples which seem to mask the taste of some meds.

I'll probably give him his meds tomorrow and Sunday as well but if we go to the farm I'll have to have J&J try and give it to him. So I'm hoping the brown sugar trick works, it would be the easiest for me to get ready for them and easiest for them to serve. The bute will only be served til Monday. I'm not sure how long the antibiotics will last, maybe 7-10 days. So I should be able to get out there through Tuesday at least without rearranging my life.

Ahh ponies, I hope he appreciates what I do for him!

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