Thursday, May 13, 2010


Can't see it well but Axel has a lumpy face again. Looks like he got stung by bees or something.

I do not know what's up with Axel or Cody for that matter. Axel has the lumps on his face again only this time it's not behind his jaw or under his chin, it's just lumps on his cheeks. Which I don't see how that could be the swollen salivary gland diagnosis we had last time. It looks more like bug bites or bee stings. And judging from the fact that the last two times I've come back from the barn I've found a new itchy bite on my side. So I fly sprayed him, I just hope it stuck before it rained.

Cody had been hiding in the shelter when I arrived but walked over to the fence to visit with friends before I got out there to get him. So he could walk fine. But when I got up to him he was doing what I can only describe as "a potty dance." With his back end. You know the dance little kids do when they have to use the rest room? Cody had his back legs crossed and kept switching them back and forth like he was dancing. He kept stepping on his own feet in the process. I saw no bugs or cuts or anything and when he finally let me lead him to the barn he walked just fine. The best I can figure is that he was trying to scrape the mud off his back feet? Who knows. I cleaned him up and did a tiny bit of ground work in the arena and then hand walked him down the road. Conditions were not great, it was windy and threatening rain but we made it. We made it all the way to the culvert with no freak outs. He stopped twice but that was it. Cars even passed and he didn't use that as an excuse to run home. Granted I was on the ground and he behaves a lot better that way but it's a start. He got a lot of fruit ring treats and some grass when we got to the culvert. We walked much faster home but on a loose lead line and I didn't have to run to keep up. So I put that in the win category.

Of course good things always seem to be accompanied by bad, I just heard that Jeff's niece's other horse died this week. She lost her first horse a month or two ago and now her only other horse has apparently had a heart attack. So sad. RIP Silver and Buckeye.

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